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Book Display: Latinx History Month In-Person

Explore the physical exhibit by visiting the 1st floor of the CORE Library building during hours of operation. 

Explore the online exhibit here: Latinx Cultural Awareness Month

The Library is proud to present both physical and virtual resource displays tied into the Diversity and Inclusion Student Center's Cultural Awareness Months.

To explore the online exhibits, visit the 2023-2024 Library Resource Displays.

We have many more online and print resources that may be of interest, too, so please explore our Library databases for other books, articles, streaming videos, and more. 

Thank you for visiting these exhibits!

Related LibGuide: 2023-2024 Virtual Library Resource Displays by Daisy Muralles

Saturday, September 23, 2023 Show more dates
All Day Event
Time Zone:
Pacific Time - US & Canada (change)
University Libraries

Event Organizer

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